Sunday 11 August 2024

When witnessing hits home....

Jesus was quoted to have said in Acts 1:8 that his followers would be witnesses for him throughout the earth.

A witness is someone willing to swear an oath to the veracity of what they have seen

What that witness is swearing to may appear to be contentious in this particular context of witnessing. 

Is it a prior event, or a future event, that Jesus was referring to concerning the act of being a valid witness

Is a witness so named after testifying or before? Are you qualified to be a witness even if you haven't spoken of what you have seen?

In other words, is "seeing" the required act that "witnessing" describes, or is it "testifying" about it? 

In any case, it is one thing to witness farflung events, and quite another to witness them painfully in one's circumstance

Witnessing is passive. A call to see and take note. But when a witness is under attack, it can be hard to stay neutral and maintain the role of witnessing that Christ commanded.

Hence the topic of this post. Witnessing when one is the victim of the enemy.

The beauty of this is something else Christ said. "I am the good shepherd and my sheep hear my voice" 

Christ (the shepherd) has the uncanny ability to communicate with his sheep in a way that inspires full obedience

And so the act of witnessing actually holds true (ironically) regardless of the circumstance. Whether witnesses are the victim or not.


Sunday 7 July 2024

If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask

James 1:5-8

There are 3 points to note in the above statement 

1. Personal admission of our lack. You cant ask.for what you dont realise you lack 

2. God's liberal gift of wisdom. 

He literally gives wisdom to EVERYONE that asks, without refusing anybody.

This means that once you ask for wisdom, you receive it instantly. You need to be confident that this is the case, and that this wisdom is already influencing your thinking from that moment.

3. Confidence in the possession of God's wisdom henceforth.

There must be no doubt that divine wisdom is already at work in us immediately we ask for it.

Such doubt is what undermines our faith and renders the potency of our decisions ineffective

Once we ask, we have received and the power is deposited within us. Doubt weakens us and renders us unable to utilize the power of divine wisdom already present within us.

Friday 26 April 2024

The moment you decided . . . .

The moment you decide to act, something changes. Something shifts in the universe 

Your decision sets things in motion

When you choose to cast away your fears and walk in faith, there is a reaction in the supply of energy from unseen quarters 

“Safety” can be a hindrance to your growth

Being “pushed to the wall” can help to trigger a desire to do the impossible. Simply because you have no choice.

Embrace such moments because they are evidence of God nudging you.on the direction of your destiny. An atmosphere for miracles 

Wednesday 24 April 2024

You will be my Witnesses

Christianity has long attributed the title of this piece to preaching the gospel worldwide 

Telling everyone we meet about Jesus and coaxing them to believe and accept his divinity and sacrifice on calvary 

For some years now, I have discovered another reality about what it means to be a witness

It's the literal secular interpretation. Being an observer 

Not having he ability to actually assist God in his work, but merely taking notice.

I have however been realizing that there may be yet another meaning of the word “witness” as attributed to Jesus 

A witness, beyond observing God's work, is an actual testament to that work. A witness to the world (without necessarily opening ones mouth to proseltyze) who displays God's awesome power, just as Jesus did, in a way that points to the majesty of the Creator

So witnessing not just in words, but in lifestyle (speaking much louder than any words can).

Jesus himself alluded to it (in John 10: 34-38) when he recalled the psalmist's admonitions to Israel (in psalm 82: 6-7) to his accusers, “ye are gods”.
In other words, displaying God's power is a demonstration (a witness) of God himself.

Monday 22 April 2024

He keeps working relentlessly

God's work in our lives is continuous. He works through us, and He works in spite of us

There is little or nothing we can do to aid or hinder God's work in our lives.

Our perception will help us cease from feeling inadequate or perhaps even complicit in “hindering” God's work. 

It is impossible to hinder God's work

Abundance isn't given to self comparison

Abundance isn't in competition with others 

Needless to say, it doesn't compare itself with anyone. Abundance is a unique mindset 

It is completely reliant on God

Abundance has no need to keep score of wrong or hurt 

It doesn't place a limit on its capacity to absorb and reflect joy.

Who is responsible for the storm?

Let me ask you a question at this moment. 

What do you think is responsible for the storms you may have faced in the past, or may be facing right now? 

Your answer to this question says a lot about your attitude while the storm rages on

Who is responsible for the storm?

Is it your enemy?

Is it some unseen or faceless diabolical entity determined to ensure you and your loved ones suffer?

Or is it the Almighty God, Creator of everything in existence?

If your thoughts lead you to the first option (your enemy), it is then understandable if you were to constantly pray to God asking him to calm the storm and reverse the enemy's attacks

If, on the other hand, your thoughts settle on the Almighty as the origin of the storm, the entire equation changes.

Why (you may ask)?

With all that we know about God (who God himself says he is, and all that has been written about him in myriads of texts), then we know the following:

1. God is good
2. His thoughts towards us are of good and peace 
3. God loves us (He loved us even before he created us)
3. Nothing can separate us from God's love

To continue our train of thought, if we attribute the storm to God's doing, and since we know God is working for our good, it must also follow that the storm is also for our good! 

Sound confusing or perplexing? 

Don't let it be. God's ways are not our ways, and neither are his thoughts ours. His thoughts are higher than ours. He has far reaching sight and his plan for us is supreme

Once we realize that the sovereign Creator is the authority behind our storm, it clears the air, and gives us the resolve to weather it. We can even emulate Jesus and drift off to sleep in the boat while the storm rages!