Monday, 14 March 2016

The Good news in 21st century language

Let me explain this in 21st century language. The lingo of the computer age. The explanation is not an actual fit because the Christ that I speak of, the Son of God, has no beginning and no end. Anyway, Here goes . . .

Our physical body is the HARDWARE, our soul (also called or containing the "heart"  or mind) is the OPERATING SYSTEM, while our Spirit is the electricity that powers the device. In other words, we, in totality are complete devices modelled after a prototype.

The first model (Adam) was designed to manufacture subsequent models through its in-built facility in conjunction with the second model. The second model (Eve) was developed from the first in such a way as to be a failsafe to any possible flaws in the system. It wasn't that the manufacturer felt His product was faulty, it was just a precaution against external breach.

Unfortunately, the failsafe itself was the focus of the first breach, and thus a virus was introduced into the system. Having corrupted the OS, the power source was changed and the devices lost majority of their functions due to their ultra-low power source. This is like powering a 220v device with 110v current. It simply won't function optimally. So the device is virtually dead.

However on this low power, and with a virus corrupting the OS, the internal  manufacturing process designed by the manufacturer kicked into action and more devices were created in geometric progression.

The manufacturer looked at this situation in distress. There were now millions, if not billions, of devices each with the replicated virus corrupting their operating systems. If He chose to reformat the hard drives, he would need to do this for each and every system (millions of them ). And this would not guarantee that another attack couldn't take place.

Therefore the manufacturer decided to bring in the actual prototype. The initial device that all the other devices were modelled after.
He brought in the system and ran it's OS. This prototype, which ran on the actual electricity for which it was designed, was so robust that it was able to repel all attacks from the various programmers who wrote all types of viruses in attempts to compromise and corrupt it.

This Prototype is Christ.

All the software the manufacturer ran on the prototype were able to perform as designed, and it really caused a revolution in the way things were done by it. Therefore the other devices, acting through the virus, conspired to shut it down.

But they weren't aware that this was actually the manufacturer's plan. So the Prototype was shut down within the closed system that they all operated. 3 days later, the manufacturer hooked the shut down system into the Internet (a network which had always existed, but which the devices knew nothing about).

Therefore the Prototype became extremely powerful and could reach the corrupted devices one by one. This network was powered by the approved electric source and necessary routers (angels) which allowed it to evade any virus attacks. Besides the manufacturer and Prototype were able to see all the new tactics the programmers were devising and could communicate with the devices through the Internet.

So, each device, hooked up to the Internet and knowing the prototype was robust enough to perform every required function, reformatted itself and downloaded the Prototype OS. It also tapped the appropriate electricity from the source and therefore became as robust as the prototype. Each "reborn" device was now expected to communicate the "good news"  to other devices and in turn they also would hookup and get reformatted.

The programmers and virus creators seeing this, decided to "create"  their own "internet"  and begin confusing other devices to hook up to them. But devices that came from this "fake"  Internet couldn't perform the functions of the ones hooked up to the "real" Internet. So other unconnected  devices became very confused. This is because in the assemblies where the "good news"  was being communicated, both devices from the fake and real "internets" were members. And it seems one couldn't tell the real from the fake. This is the dilemma we are in today.

Friday, 4 March 2016

On depression

Matthew 26:38 NLT

"He told them, "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.""

There is no better description for a state of DEPRESSION in the Bible than the one Jesus Christ gave to His disciples above.
What are the lessons we can learn from the verse above?

1. Even the Son of God faced depression. My dear brother or sister, our Saviour has gone through your condition. Trust him to understand how it feels.

2. His first action was to ask three of his disciples to "stay and keep watch". When you feel the devastation of depression, talk to your close associates about it, but more importantly, ask them to keep watch over you.

3. He prayed about it. Even when you reveal your situation to humans, ask for God's help. Christ knows precisely how you feel because he has experienced it. Luke's version (Lk 22:43) stated that an angel was sent to strengthen Christ during the experience.

4. Man is not reliable, only God is. When Christ returned to them 3 times, his disciples were sleeping. He woke them and used His condition to point them inwards on the need to pray against what he was going through. This means it is possible to overcome temptation (including the temptation to succumb to depression) through prayer. He said, "for the spirit is willing, but the body is weak". Therefore whatever our physical condition, it is always possible for our Spirit to overcome our flesh!

Say to yourself today, Depression will not overcome me for I am crucified with Christ.
