Sunday, 7 July 2024

If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask

James 1:5-8

There are 3 points to note in the above statement 

1. Personal admission of our lack. You cant ask.for what you dont realise you lack 

2. God's liberal gift of wisdom. 

He literally gives wisdom to EVERYONE that asks, without refusing anybody.

This means that once you ask for wisdom, you receive it instantly. You need to be confident that this is the case, and that this wisdom is already influencing your thinking from that moment.

3. Confidence in the possession of God's wisdom henceforth.

There must be no doubt that divine wisdom is already at work in us immediately we ask for it.

Such doubt is what undermines our faith and renders the potency of our decisions ineffective

Once we ask, we have received and the power is deposited within us. Doubt weakens us and renders us unable to utilize the power of divine wisdom already present within us.