Monday 1 February 2016

On Faith

Faith goes beyond feelings. It is the actions we take based on our convictions on those feelings that define faith.

For instance,

*if I believe Psalm 23:1 - 

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need",

then my faith would cancel any worries about my daily sustenance.

*if I believe  "there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. . ."

Then, in spite of whatever I've done, my faith would lead me boldly to God's throne of grace to obtain mercy whenever I need it most.

*if I truly believe I've been forgiven by God for all my transgressions, then I would have no difficulty in forgiving anyone who has wronged me, regardless of how badly they hurt me. And my faith will lead me to physically show unconditional love to such a person.

If there is no sin that God can't forgive, then what is difficult for me to let go in a wrong done to me by my fellow man?

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