Marriage can be a very stressful experience. From almost the moment when the knot is tied, the new couple starts to realize the difficulty in two people with different backgrounds and mindsets coming together to form a single unit. Oftentimes this "unit" feels like one only in name.
In the book of Genesis (3:16) during the time of Adam and Eve, God alluded to the woman's desire to always seek control of the man in her relationship, while countless researches have confirmed the man's greatest desire in marriage is respect. And it always seems respect is the last thing a man's wife accords him.
I recently got thinking though, what is God's desire for us in marriage? The clearest indication of this is in Ephesians 5:25. Husbands are commanded to love their wives.
In my walk with God I've severally been tempted just to "make do" with a right standing with God, and any other addition with my wife. In other words I (rightly) felt my relationship with God is all that matters. However I've felt more lethargic about the importance of my relationship with my wife. For those who are married this isn't too hard to understand.
But I got thinking, could part of the reason for God's creation of the institution of marriage be to teach us how to love? Think about it from God's point of view. Man is an exasperating creature. With all our character inconsistencies, negative behavior, consistent misdemeanors, and other mental and emotional flaws, God still loves us and never abandons us.
Could he be teaching us how to do the same through marriage? It's so easy just to disconnect from our wives when misunderstandings arise, and "face" God, rather than thrash things out with them. But God never disconnects from us even when he doesn't approve of our direction.
When we offend him, he still looks out for us. This is love! God please give me the strength to love my wife, for love is the most difficult gift to give.