Wednesday, 14 October 2015

The mystery of covenants unveiled (part 4)

The reality is that an alarming percentage of Christians today aren't fulfilling their God - given potential in prosperity and abundance due to their ignorance of the power of covenants.

Firstly, what are God's children entitled to through Christ's covenant with God the Father?

Galatians 3:14 (NLT) "Through Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to Abraham, so that we who are believers might receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith."

In Genesis 12:2-3, God began laying out a comprehensive covenant with Abraham and his descendants Israel. Collectively known as "the blessing of Abraham" , it encompassed abundant fruitfulness in descendants, productivity, influence and spiritual authority. It also promised the descendants of Abraham, ownership of the "Promised" land of Canaan.

Jesus Christ's covenant connected all mankind with this blessing as an inheritance through faith. Interestingly, Jesus also spoke of the arrival of the "Kingdom of God" (Matthew 12:28).

In other words, the prosperity of Abraham, his influence, spiritual authority, divine health, and virility are our inheritance by faith.

We will take an in-depth look at one of the most rampant causes of poverty amongst God's children today.

I will first lay a background to my analysis.

1. Firstly, Jesus, as the only begotten Son of God, existed from the beginning of time. (John 1:1,14, 29)

2. Jesus came to earth in form of a man at some point roughly 2050 years ago or thereabouts

3. Human Jesus, though flesh and blood, was conceived not as a product of Joseph' sperm and Mary's egg, but by a supernatural invitro fertilization (i.e.  A sperm and egg combination not from earthly origin)

4. Therefore Jesus, not an actual blood descendant of Adam, though grafted in through his earthly parents Mary and Joseph, was not legally subject to the curse of Adam (spiritual death) and all Adam's generations.

5. Because Jesus was spiritually alive, this gave him the power to prevail over sin and enabled him to live a perfect life.

6. Having this unique advantage, it thus enabled him to negotiate a covenant with God the Father to be a substitute for all who are under Adam's curse

7. Therefore, Jesus paid the penalty every sinner is required to pay, so that sinners no longer need to pay it.

8. He therefore connected us to the initial edict God gave man in Gen 1:28 (i. be fruitful, ii. multiply iii. fill the earth iv. subdue it v. have dominion)

9. The new covenant negotiated by Christ upon His death at calvary is so comprehensive that it covers every aspect of life a human being lives on earth, and enables us to subdue the earth and reign in it, just as God commanded man in the beginning.

10. The new covenant of salvation through Christ's Jesus is superior to any other covenant we can ever have, as it connects us with the past, to several covenants God made with His chosen people centuries ago as recorded in the old testament, and it also connects us with the future, of everlasting life in eternity.

To be continued

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