Saturday, 20 April 2024

Jesus asleep during the storm

In Matthew 8 v 23, Jesus had gotten on a boat with his disciples and a heavy storm began, appearing like it was going to sink it.

But Jesus was asleep!

His disciples were terrified, and  surpised that Jesus could sleep under such circumstances 

They woke him,  and he queried their fear. After which he calmed the storm

What is the lesson to learn from this passage?

Most will emphasize the value of calling out to Jesus when we are in trouble to “rebuke the storm” and rescue us

But if we look more closely, there is a deeper message here

Jesus was asleep in the boat while the storm raged. Why? Was he oblivious of the danger of a storm? Why sleep in a boat anyway, when the risk of a storm is so high? Was he that tired that he couldn't wait to arrive on land before falling asleep?

Jesus's action in permitting himself to fall asleep on the boat is significant.

It tells us that Jesus wasnt concerned about any eventuality that could happen. As far as he was concerned, it was a win-win situation whether there was a storm or not. His purpose would be fulfilled regardless of the circumstances along the way.

Jesus wasnt afraid for his life, because he knew that not a hair on his head could be harmed without the permission of his heavenly Father.

God has a purpose to fulfil in the life of everyone. And nothing can stop his purpose. Not the least elements which are completely under his control 

That storm? It was merely acting out its purpose from the Creator. It was a teachable moment that we all need to learn from

Fear has no place in our walk with God.

We need to be comfortable with any circumstance we may find ourselves, because nothing happens without God's say so.

Jesus rebuked the storm, and it subsided because that was God's plan all along. The disciples needn't have been scared.

And neither should we be scared when we face the storms of life.

Remember, nothing happens without God's permission, and His purpose will come to pass regardless of any situation we may find ourselves.

So the question to ask is this. Is our purpose aligned with our Creator? Because God's purpose for our life will always supersede!


  1. Very true my brother. The flesh, can be weak many times, and I have to keep reminding myself to walk in the spirit and not by sight. After all, our Creator is a Spirit.
